
Save 50% on BackerKit

Keep your crowdfunding project organized and on track with the help of the tools from our partners at BackerKit, who have generously offered our readers a 50% discount off their setup fee of $299.

Just follow the link and enter the code FULFILLRITE to get started.

BackerKit provides project creators with backer surveys, backer management, rewards management, and data services for shipping fulfillment. Collect backer rewards information and sell add-ons with BackerKit surveys, process the orders using BackerKit’s management tools, and then export the data directly to Fulfillrite!

Get started today!

You’ve done everything by the book. Your Kickstarter campaign is almost ready to launch.

You made a great product. Built an audience. Set up a campaign page.

But how do you ship it?

We put this checklist together to help you get started. It's free.