“You need to bring your own audience to Kickstarter.” You’ve probably heard that advice if you’re planning on launching a campaign soon. But how do you exactly market your Kickstarter before launch?

It’s not just about “building an email list” or “posting on social media.” There’s nothing wrong with those strategies, but without a larger plan and more context, they probably won’t work.

When you market your Kickstarter campaign, you need a holistic strategy. To build an effective marketing plan, you need to combine many different methods to succeed.

To help inspire you to succeed in your campaign launch, we’ve compiled a list of 22 proven strategies to help you build anticipation and attract backers.

Pre-launch Planning

The best time to market a Kickstarter launch is months before you go live. Here are some ways you can get a jump-start on pre-launch marketing planning. That way, you can get started even while you’re hammering out the details of your product.

#1: Build an email list.

Create an email list of interested potential backers. Use signup forms on your website and social media to collect email addresses. Send regular updates and exclusive previews to keep your audience engaged and excited about your upcoming launch.

For example, send a bi-weekly newsletter with behind-the-scenes photos, sneak peeks of your product. You can even give out special early-bird offers that make your subscribers feel like VIPs.

#2: Create a teaser website.

Develop a teaser website to showcase your project. Include compelling visuals, a brief description, and an email signup form. A teaser site builds curiosity and allows you to capture leads who are interested in your campaign.

For instance, you can add a countdown timer to your launch date, a gripping video introduction, and testimonials from influencers or beta testers who have tried your product.

#3: Develop a social media presence.

Establish your social media presence on platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok. Share engaging content related to your project to build a following. Consistent posting and interaction with your audience can help create a loyal community before your launch.

Post regular updates, like development milestones, fun facts about your team, and polls to get feedback from your audience. Don’t forget to engage with comments and messages to build a strong connection with your followers.

#4: Produce a pre-launch video.

Create a short video to introduce your project and its goals. Share this video on your website, social media, and email list. A well-produced video can make people excited and clearly explain your project’s value.

Good pre-launch videos have the following qualities:

  1. They’re visually appealing.
  2. They tell compelling stories.
  3. The purpose of the project is clearly explained.
  4. They show the product in action.
  5. When available, good videos have testimonials and reviews.
  6. They end with a clear call to action like “join my email list” or “follow on social media for updates.”

Content Creation

High-quality content can attract attention and keep potential backers interested. Focus on creating engaging and informative materials that will draw in your audience. That will get them invested in your project’s story, not to mention its financial success.

#5: Write engaging blog posts.

Publishing blog posts about your project’s development, challenges, and goals can work wonders. Share these posts on your website and social media to attract readers and convert them into potential backers.

For example, write a detailed post about the journey from concept to prototype, including the obstacles you overcame and the breakthroughs you achieved. Use an engaging tone, sprinkle in some humor, and don’t shy away from showing your passion for the project.

#6: Design eye-catching graphics.

Create visually appealing graphics to share on social media and your website. High-quality images can capture attention and make your project stand out. Use these graphics to highlight key features and benefits of your project.

For instance, design infographics that break down complex information into digestible, visually striking pieces. Use bold colors, clear icons, and concise text to convey your message effectively.

#7: Record behind-the-scenes videos.

Show the making of your project with behind-the-scenes videos. Share these clips to give your audience an inside look at your process. Authentic, behind-the-scenes content can build a stronger connection with your audience.

One way you could do this is by filming a day in the life of your team. You can show brainstorming sessions, prototype testing, and the fun, candid moments that happen along the way. Transparency makes backers feel like they’re part of the journey.

Community Engagement

Building a community around your project is key for a successful Kickstarter launch. Talk to your audience to earn support and loyalty early on. That way, when launch day comes, you’ll be bringing your own entourage.

#8: Host a virtual launch event.

Organize a virtual event to announce your project and engage with potential backers. Use platforms like Zoom or Facebook Live to host your event. A launch event can drum up excitement and allow direct interaction with your audience.

For example, plan a live demo of your product, followed by a Q&A session where attendees can ask questions and get immediate responses. Offer exclusive perks or early bird discounts to attendees to encourage participation.

#9: Conduct webinars or live Q&As.

Host webinars or live Q&A sessions to discuss your project in detail. Answering questions and providing insights can build trust and interest. These sessions allow you to address potential backers’ concerns and showcase your expertise.

One way you could do this is by scheduling a series of weekly webinars covering different aspects of your project. You could talk about design one week, functionality the next, and future plans in another. Promote these sessions on your social media and email list to maximize attendance.

#10: Participate in relevant online forums.

Join online forums and communities related to your project’s niche. Share your project and engage in discussions. Active participation in relevant forums can help you reach a targeted audience and gain valuable feedback.

Let’s say your project is a new tech gadget. You could join forums like Reddit’s r/gadgets or tech enthusiast communities on Facebook. Share updates, ask for opinions, and respond to comments to build a rapport with potential backers who are passionate about your niche.

But word to the wise: make sure these communities are OK with self-promotion. Both subreddits and Facebook groups have different rules and norms around business use. You want to make sure you fit in.

#11: Collaborate with influencers.

Partner with influencers who can help promote your project to their followers. Influencers can provide credibility and expand your reach. Collaborations can include reviews, shoutouts, or co-hosted events to draw attention to your campaign.

For instance, if your project is a tech gadget, collaborate with a popular tech YouTuber to review your product. They can demonstrate its features and benefits, reaching thousands of potential backers in a single video.

Additionally, consider doing an Instagram Live with an influencer. On that livestream, you could both discuss the project and answer live questions from viewers. This kind of direct engagement can significantly boost interest and trust in your campaign.

#12: Announce an official launch date.

Set and announce an official launch date for your Kickstarter campaign. Use your email list, social media, and website to spread the word. A clear launch date creates a sense of urgency. Plus, it allows potential backers to mark their calendars.

Once a date is chosen, it gives you new options for content creation too. For example, you could create a series of countdown posts on Instagram. Or you could send a series of emails with teasers leading up to the launch. You could also create a Facebook event for your launch date, inviting your community to join and stay updated on the latest news.

Strategic Outreach

Another way you can build your presence is by strategic outreach. This will help you connect with a broader audience and gain valuable exposure. Use these methods to expand your reach and attract potential backers.

#13: Partner with complementary brands.

Collaborate with brands that complement your project. Joint promotions and cross-marketing efforts can introduce your campaign to new audiences. Partnerships can provide mutual benefits and increase your project’s visibility.

For instance, if you’re launching a new eco-friendly backpack, partner with a sustainable clothing brand. You can co-create a bundle deal or host a giveaway on both brands’ social media accounts.

This way, you tap into each other’s customer bases. This is an easy way to expand your reach and draw more attention to your Kickstarter.

#14: Do some guest posting.

Write guest posts for popular blogs in your niche. Share insights about your project and include a call to action for your Kickstarter campaign. Guest posting can help you reach new readers and drive traffic to your campaign page.

For example, if your project is a health and wellness product, write a guest post for a well-known fitness blog. Share your story, the problem your product solves, and why you’re passionate about it.

Include a link to your Kickstarter at the end, encouraging readers to support your campaign.

#15: Send out press releases.

Distribute press releases to announce your upcoming Kickstarter launch. Target media outlets that cover your industry. Press coverage can generate buzz and lend credibility to your project, attracting more potential backers.

For instance, if you’re launching a new tech product, send a press release to tech news websites and magazines. Highlight the unique aspects of your product, your campaign launch date, and how backers can get involved.

You can do this by reaching out directly to media outlets like local TV and radio. For this, HARO and Qwoted can be good ways to get in touch. Otherwise, you can use PR firms like EIN Presswire for widespread press release distribution.

A well-written press release can lead to articles, features, and interviews that boost your project’s visibility. But do note – the best results come from building real relationships with reporters. That will take more time than sending basic press releases in bulk.

#16: Schedule interviews on podcasts.

Appear on podcasts relevant to your project’s niche. Share your story and details about your Kickstarter campaign. Podcast interviews can help you reach a dedicated audience and build a personal connection with potential backers.

If you’re launching a new board game, get interviewed on a popular gaming podcast. Discuss your inspiration, the game’s mechanics, and what makes it unique.

Sharing your passion and vision directly with listeners can create a strong emotional connection. That motivates folks to support your campaign.

It’s worthwhile to note that podcasters also tend to be connected with other industry pros. If you hit it off with the podcasters, you might find yourself talking to other movers and shakers in the industry.

Advertising and Promotions

Advertising and promotions can boost your campaign’s visibility and attract more backers. While nothing beats organic reach, some smart use of paid media can really help you spread the word quickly. Here are some tips on how to do that.

#17: Run targeted social media ads.

Create targeted ads on platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Focus on reaching people who are likely to be interested in your project. Social media ads can drive traffic to your campaign page and increase backer conversions.

Let’s say you’re launching a new fitness gadget. In that case, you could target ads towards fitness enthusiasts, gym-goers, and health-conscious individuals. Use eye-catching visuals, compelling copy, and a strong call to action to grab attention.

Experiment with different ad formats like carousel ads, video ads, and stories to see what works best.

When in doubt, start slow. Revise your ads until you find something that wins leads for a low cost. Then you scale up from there.

#18: Set up a referral program.

Encourage your audience to share your campaign by offering referral incentives. Reward them for bringing in new backers. A referral program can help spread the word and attract more supporters through word-of-mouth.

For example, offer a discount or a special perk for every backer someone refers to your campaign. Create a unique referral link for each backer so they can easily share it with their friends and track their rewards.

This not only motivates your existing backers but also expands your reach through their networks.

#19: Offer exclusive previews to early supporters.

Give early supporters exclusive previews of your project. This can include sneak peeks, early access to content, or special updates. Exclusive previews create a sense of involvement and appreciation, encouraging early backing.

For instance, send out a behind-the-scenes video or a first-look demo of your product to your email subscribers before the public launch. Make them feel like insiders with access to special content. This can make them more likely to support your campaign and spread the word.

Analytics and Feedback

Analyzing data and gathering feedback can help you refine your campaign. After all, it’s really just at technical way to listen to your backers.

With good data on your site, you can make your Kickstarter into something people can’t wait to back. Here are some strategies on how to be use feedback in a smart, effective way.

#20: Use A/B testing for your campaign page.

Run A/B tests on different elements of your campaign page. Good condidates for A/B tests include headlines, images, and calls to action. See which versions perform better.

It’s simple but it works – A/B testing can help optimize your page for maximum conversions.

Let’s consider one way you could do this right now. Start by testing two different headlines. See which one attracts more clicks. Run with the headline that performs best.

You can use the data from A/B tests to make informed decisions and improve your campaign’s performance.

#21: Gather feedback through surveys.

Send out surveys to your email list and social media followers to gather feedback on your project. People love sharing their opinions and you can use what they say to make improvements. This is the easiest way to figure out what’s stopping people from backing so you can address those concerns.

For instance, create a short survey asking about their first impressions of your project, what they like, and what they think could be better. Use this feedback to tweak your campaign and make it more appealing to your audience.

#22: Monitor and adapt to audience analytics.

Monitor metrics like traffic, engagement, and conversion rates. Adapting to your audience’s behavior and preferences can help you fine-tune your strategy and get more backers.

Let’s say you notice a spike in traffic from a particular social media post. You can figure out what made it so effective and replicate that strategy in future posts.

Keep an eye on where your backers are coming from and what content resonates with them the most.

Final Thoughts

Launching a Kickstarter campaign doesn’t happen overnight. You need a built-up marketing apparatus if you want to succeed.

Luckily, there are tons of ways you can build your audience. This article is nothing more than a list to help inspire you. That way, you can market your Kickstarter campaign in a way that feels natural to you!