Ecommerce is exciting because you can sell practically anything to anyone. The internet makes that possible! But actually getting people to make purchases and keeping your eCommerce conversion rate up – that’s harder than it looks.

Table of Contents

Your conversion rate—the percentage of visitors who make a purchase—is a critical metric for your online store’s success. So improving it can unlock tremendous growth and profitability.

In this guide, we list 36 proven strategies to boost your conversion rate. These strategies cover a number of topics, including website design, user experience, marketing tactics, and customer engagement. But they’re all ultimately aimed at one thing – boosting your eCommerce conversion rate.

Website Design Improvements

A well-designed website can significantly enhance user engagement and conversion rates. Below, you will find some actionable tips to make your website shine so that you can increase sales.

#1: Use high-quality images and videos.

High-quality visuals will help show off your products effectively. When people shop online, they can’t inspect items like they could in the store. So you need to give them the evidence they need to feel comfortable making a purchase.

To do this, use professional photos and videos to highlight product features and benefits, making your offerings more appealing to potential customers. For example, if you sell clothing, show detailed images of the fabric and stitching. Include videos of the clothing being worn to give customers a better idea of how it looks in real life.

#2: Simplify navigation.

Make it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for. Use clear categories, intuitive menus, and a search bar to help users navigate your site effortlessly, thus improving their overall experience.

Think about how you organize your closet. You want everything in its place and easy to find. The same goes for your website. Label sections clearly and avoid clutter.

#3: Optimize for mobile devices.

Make sure your website is mobile-friendly. A significant portion – some even say the majority – of traffic comes from mobile users. So be sure to use responsive design principles so you can provide a great experience across all devices. Doing so will boost conversions in general, but especially on mobile devices.

Imagine you’re shopping on your phone and the site isn’t loading properly. Frustrating, right? Avoid this by making sure images resize correctly and buttons are easy to tap.

#4: Implement fast loading times.

Speed is crucial for user retention. That is why you must optimize your website’s performance. You can do this by compressing images, using efficient coding practices, and – if needed – setting up a content delivery network (CDN) to ensure a quick loading time.

No one likes waiting around for a page to load. It’s like standing in a long line at a store. Keep things moving quickly to keep your customers happy.

#5: Use attractive and functional design elements.

Be sure to use visually appealing design elements that also enhance functionality. Use clear calls to action (CTAs), easy-to-read fonts, and a cohesive color scheme to create an engaging user experience

When you build an eCommerce store, sometimes it’s helpful to thing about what you’d do if you were making a physical store. So imagine walking into a well-decorated store with signs pointing you to the best deals. That’s what your website should feel like.

For the digital equivalent of that, use bright buttons for important actions like “Buy Now” or “Sign Up”.

Enhancing User Experience (UX)

Improving UX can lead to higher customer satisfaction and increased conversion rates. After all, who doesn’t want to use a website that provides a good experience?

To help you do that, here are some tips to keep your users happy and coming back for more.

#6: Offer guest checkout options.

Allow customers to make purchases without creating an account. Guest checkout simplifies shopping because it reduces friction and cart abandonment. As a result, this leads to higher conversion rates.

Think about how annoying it is when you have to fill out endless forms just to buy something simple. You need to make it easy for your customers to check out quickly.

#7: Streamline the checkout process.

To go a bit further into that last point, it’s a good practical to generally minimize the number of steps in your checkout process. When possible, use single-page checkout. And if you can’t manage that, reduce the number of form fields users have to fill out to make the process quicker and more user-friendly.

Shopping online needs to be easier than using a drive-thru. You get in, you get out. So keep it simple and fast!

#8: Provide multiple payment options.

Offer a variety of payment methods to cater to different customer preferences. Include options like credit/debit cards, PayPal, and digital wallets to increase the likelihood of completed purchases.

Some people prefer using their credit card, but others might prefer PayPal or Apple Pay. Give them choices to make it easy.

#9: Use exit-intent popups.

Sometimes, if you offer users the right incentive, you can keep them from leaving your site. To do this, use exit-intent popups to recapture attention from visitors before they leave your site. With them, you can offer discounts, free shipping, or special deals to encourage them to complete their purchase.

If the user is about to leave, then you really have nothing to lose. So giving an offer like “10% off” right before they leave might just be enough to make a sale you would otherwise have lost.

#10: Make sure your website is accessible.

Make your site is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. To do that, use alt text for images, make sure they can use keyboard navigation, and follow web accessibility guidelines to provide an inclusive experience.

Not only will this make your site look good, but it will also help increase sales. Even users without disabilities benefit from accessibility tweaks.

#11: Display customer reviews and testimonials.

Marketing copy is important, but it only goes so far. Customer reviews and testimonials, on the other hand, will help you build trust and credibility in a way buzzwords never could.

It’s really not surprising – positive feedback from satisfied customers can influence potential buyers’ decisions and increase conversion rates. Just imagine you’re shopping online and see glowing reviews about a product. If you were leaning toward buying it, but were still on the fence, then seeing that review might just make your decision for you.

When you get good reviews, display them prominently on product pages, homepages, and landing pages. And if you don’t have good reviews, come up with a system to collect them more easily!

#12: Offer limited-time promotions.

Procrastination kills sales. But you can fight back by creating urgency with limited-time promotions.

Flash sales, countdown timers, and exclusive deals can motivate customers to make quick purchasing decisions, increasing your conversion rates. Picture a big website banner saying, “Hurry, only 2 hours left for 50% off!” It makes you want to buy now, doesn’t it?

Even simple phrases like “Limited stock” or “Offer ends soon” go a long way toward creating a sense of urgency.

#13: Use upselling and cross-selling.

When a customer buys one product from you, there’s a good chance you can get them to buy another. So encourage customers to buy more by recommending related or higher-end products.

Done properly, upselling and cross-selling techniques can increase the average order value and overall sales. For instance, if someone is buying a camera, suggest a high-end lens or a protective case. You make more money, and your customer has a better overall experience as a result.

#14: Roll out a loyalty program.

“Every time you make a purchase, you earn 1 point for every dollar spent. Once you reach 100 points, you’ll get $10 off on your next purchase.”

Loyalty programs work like a charm. That’s why companies ranging from retail giants like Kohl’s to airlines like Delta use them. And, indeed, so do a lot of small eCommerce shops.

Just like these bigger companies, you can reward your repeat customers with a loyalty program. The concept is simple – just offer points, discounts, or exclusive perks. As a natural result, this will incentivize repeat purchases and keep customers loyal for a long time.

#15: Conduct email marketing campaigns.

Use targeted email marketing campaigns to reach your audience. Send personalized offers, product recommendations, and abandoned cart reminders to drive conversions and increase sales.

Imagine receiving an email that says, “Hey, we noticed you left something in your cart. Here’s 10% off to complete your purchase!”

It feels personal and encourages you to take action.

Using Data & Feedback

What your users do on your website tells you a lot about how well it’s working. Analyzing data and customer feedback can help you increase sales, if you do it right.

Here are some tips on how you can do that.

#16: Set up conversion tracking.

You don’t have to start big here. Even using Google Analytics and Shopify’s built-in data will help you monitor and analyze your site’s performance.

Priority one should be setting up conversion tracking. Once you do this, you can see which business strategies lead to sales and which ones don’t.

Other useful metrics include bounce rate, session duration, and conversion paths. This can help you see how long people spend on your site and where they go while there.

#17: Analyze user behavior with heatmaps.

If you want to step up your data analysis game, then you can use heatmaps to visualize how visitors interact with your site. One favorite tool of ours is Hotjar, but there are many good options out there.

Heatmaps are great visual indicators of how people behave online. If a button is red-hot, it means it’s getting lots of attention.

You can use heat maps to identify areas of high engagement, as well as potential issues. The big question you should ask yourself is: “are people clicking where I think they ought to?”

And if the answer is no – you make changes!

#18: Regularly A/B test key elements.

The concept of A/B testing couldn’t be simpler. All you do is you take two version of something, like a headline, call to action, or product page. You run each version by part of your audience, and you see what performs best.

When you do this, it gives you a way to see what people really respond to. It’s a great way to get out of your head and see what people like in the real word.

If you want a tool to help you do this, then we recommend you check out VWO.

#19: Gather and implement customer feedback.

Another way you can collect feedback is through surveys, focus groups, and even asking directly. No matter how you do it, you can use this information to understand customer needs and preferences and make sensible changes to your store. Do this often enough and it can really help you improve shopping experience and increase conversions.

If you need a tool to run surveys to people in your target market, then check out PickFu.

Advanced Conversion Strategies

Conversion rate optimization is a deep rabbit hole. This is for good reason – anything you can do to increase the odds that people make a purchase can and will increase your profitability.

With that in mind, here are some time-tested tips to help you further dial in your conversion rates.

#20: Personalize user experiences.

Ecommerce can feel cold in a way that in-person retail doesn’t. The missing ingredient? A human being who can observe your behavior and guess what you are looking for.

But you can still personalize eCommerce experiences, even if you can’t talk to your individual customers as they shop. Watching what they do on your site can help you determine which products to recommend. If you collect someone’s email address, then you can make educated guesses about what kind of products they might need even when they’re not on your site.

This is a pretty complex subject, so we’ve included an interview with an expert below if you want to get into the weeds on this.

#21: Optimize product pages for conversions.

Unlike physical stores, eCommerce stores are not populated with salespeople. Instead, your product pages will have to do their jobs. So all the information that customers need to make their decisions needs to be spelled out on the page.

That includes specs, uses, and real-life images. Your product pages will perform best if you have detailed descriptions, high-quality images, and meaningful customer reviews.

And, of course, make sure your call to action – probably “add to cart” is very easy to spot.

#22: Use dynamic pricing strategies.

In some cases, it makes sense to adjust prices in real-time based on demand, competition, and other factors. For situations where it is appropriate, dynamic pricing can help maximize sales and profits by offering competitive prices that appeal to shoppers.

Gas stations do this all the time with the fluctuating price of gas, as does Uber during busy events with “surge pricing.”

But that doesn’t necessarily mean having wildly different prices from week to week like with gas or periodically bumping up prices by huge amounts like Uber. In fact, one way to do this is simple and intuitive – adjust prices during sales or holidays to attract more buyers.

#23: Use chatbots for instant customer service.

You can use chatbots to provide instant assistance to visitors. Chatbots can answer common questions, guide users through the buying process, and resolve issues quickly, improving customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Unlike with physical commerce, customers can’t walk into a store and immediately expect someone to help. But if you set your chatbots up well, they can do this for you online.

They can answer questions like, “What’s your return policy?” or “Can you recommend a product for my needs?”

Are chatbots perfect? No! But they can answer a lot of common questions that can save you and your staff a bit of time everyday.

Trust and Reassurance

Purchasing online is an act of trust. Everything you can do to give people a reason to trust you will help increase your odds of making a sale.

Here are some specific tips on how you can increase your perceived trustworthiness.

#24: Provide money-back guarantees.

Offer a money-back guarantee to reduce purchase risk for customers. Knowing they can get a refund if unsatisfied can increase their confidence and willingness to buy.

If you were buying a new gadget online, but were unsure if it’ll meet your needs, then seeing a “30-Day Money-Back Guarantee” would probably settle your nerves. You might think, “Well, if it doesn’t work out, I can always get my money back.”

This kind of assurance can push hesitant buyers to make a purchase.

#25: Include trust signals.

Display trust badges, secure payment icons, and certifications prominently on your site. Trust signals reassure customers that their transactions are safe and your business is reliable.

Seeing familiar words, logos, and phrases like “Visa,” “MasterCard,” or “Secure Checkout” can make customers feel more secure. Likewise, reviews and testimonials can put people at ease as well.

And if that feels like very basic advice, consider what’s it’s like when you go to a store and these things are absent. It’s not comfortable!

#26: Highlight best-selling items.

Your best-selling items are probably best-sellers for a reason. So show off your best-selling products – they’re likely to get purchases!Anything you sell a lot of is also likely to have more social proof which can help influence purchase decisions.

Imagine walking into a bookstore and seeing a section labeled “Best Sellers.” You’re probably immediately go toward these books because you’d assume they must be good if so many people are buying them.

Online, you can do the same by featuring “Top Sellers” or “Customer Favorites” sections.

#27: Add a progress indicator during checkout.

You want to actively eliminate reasons customers don’t want to complete their checkout. But if customers don’t know how long checking out will take, that’s tough to do. One easy way around this is to include a progress bar showing how many steps remain

Simply put, a progress bar can reduce anxiety, making the process feel quicker and encouraging completion.

#28: Enhance product descriptions.

This is an incredibly detailed topic, so we recommend you check out our guide on eCommerce copywriting. Bottom line – if you know how to write good descriptions, you’re going to sell a lot more.

#29: Offer free shipping.

Provide free shipping to reduce purchase friction. So if you offer free shipping, make it immediately obvious to customers. High shipping costs are a common reason for cart abandonment.

#30: Create urgency with countdown timers.

Use countdown timers for limited-time offers and flash sales. Creating a sense of urgency can drive immediate action and increase conversion rates by encouraging customers to make quick decisions.

Picture a big, ticking clock on your website that says, “Only 2 hours left for 50% off!” This makes people feel they need to buy right now before the deal disappears.

(This works wonders during Black Friday sales!)

#31: Implement live customer support.

If you can manage it, offer live chat support to assist customers in real-time. Live support can help answer questions, resolve issues, and guide customers through the purchasing process, enhancing their overall experience.

Consider in-person shopping again for a moment. If you’re in a store and need help finding a product and friendly staff member immediately comes to assist you, you’re then a lot more likely to walk out of that store with shopping bags in hand.

#32: Optimize for voice search.

Be sure your site is optimized for voice search by using natural language and long-tail keywords. With the rise of voice-activated devices, optimizing for voice search can capture additional traffic and improve conversions.

But how do you do this, exactly?

Think about how you ask questions to Siri or Alexa. Instead of using terms like “running shoes,” you use full sentences, like “Where can I buy affordable running shoes?”

If your website is written in a natural way, then you will be more likely to pick up searches who use queries like this.

#33: Use retargeting strategies.

Sometimes people just need to be reminded that you exist. So you can use retargeting campaigns to re-engage with visitors who left your site without making a purchase.

To do this, show targeted ads on other platforms to remind them of their interest and encourage them to return and complete their purchase.

Let’s say someone visited your site, looked at a cool gadget, but didn’t buy it. Later, they see an ad for that exact gadget while browsing Facebook. It reminds them of what they liked and might push them to finally make that purchase.

#34: Create video product reviews.

Videos show what copywriting can only say.

If you really want to impress shoppers, then produce video reviews to show your products in action. Videos give people a more comprehensive understanding of the product they’re thinking about buying. As a result, customers have more reasons to trust you.

For example, a video showing someone unboxing and using a new tech gadget can answer potential buyers’ questions. Plus, it can highlight the product’s features in a way pictures and text can’t.

Customer engagement

Building strong customer relationships is crucial for boosting conversion rates and fostering loyalty. Here are some tips to create a loyal customer base.

#35: Create a sense of community around your brand.

Develop a community through social media groups, forums, and events where customers can interact and share their experiences. Encouraging a sense of belonging can enhance customer loyalty and increase repeat purchases.

Think about popular brands like Apple or Nike. They have huge communities of fans who love to share tips, show off their latest purchases, and stay updated on new releases. Create spaces where your customers can connect and engage with each other and your brand.

#36: Offer flexible payment plans.

Sometimes paying for everything upfront is just too much. So provide flexible payment options like installment plans or buy now, pay later services. Flexible payment plans make high-ticket items more affordable and accessible, encouraging customers to complete their purchases.

Let’s say you want to buy a pricey laptop, but it’s out of your immediate budget. If the store offers a payment plan, you can pay in smaller chunks over time, making it much easier to afford. This can be a godsend for customers on a budget.

Final Thoughts

Improving your eCommerce conversion rate requires patience and commitment to continual testing and refinement. But sometimes, when you don’t know where to start, a list of tips is exactly what you need.

We hope the strategies outlined in this guide inspire you to touch up your eCommerce store and increase conversion rates!