Guest Posts & Interviews

Gain insights from industry experts through guest posts and interviews. In this series of articles, you will find discussions with thought leaders and practitioners who share their experiences and advice on various aspects of fulfillment and eCommerce.

How Inventory Financing Works (Interview with David Koifman at Kickfurther)

What happens if your products are really successful? Let's say there's huge demand for your eCom products. But you just don't have the capital to fill that demand. What do you do? Turns out, there's a service called inventory financing that can sometimes help in situations like this. That's why...

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Sustaining Brand Loyalty: 10 Strategies for E-commerce Growth and Success Outline

According to a PwC poll, 30% of consumers desire to try new brands. It reminds businesses to focus on retaining their current customers and enticing new ones by providing original and differentiated products and services. In our fast-paced world, establishing brand loyalty is crucial for the growth and prosperity of...

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How Board Game Plastic Manufacturing Works – 10 Expert Questions

For over a decade, board games have been dominating Kickstarter. But making them isn't easy, especially when you need to find someone to handle complex plastic manufacturing for you! So how do you find a company that can manufacture all those beautiful plastic minis? What's the difference between PVC and...

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How To Make Online Board Game Demos: Overboard Games Q&A

Plan on taking your board game idea to Kickstarter? There are a lot of games out there, and you need a way to prove yours is worth playing! Getting reviews is one way to do this, but it's not the only way. You can also make an online board game...

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This Is Why Sustainable Custom Packaging Is So Important

The eCommerce industry has witnessed unprecedented growth over the last decade. It is predicted that eCommerce retail sales will go up to 7.4 trillion dollars by 2025. With the boom in eCommerce sales, customer’s expectations have increased, and the rise of sustainable custom packaging plays a large part in that....

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How To Manufacture Board Games: Q&A with Panda Game Manufacturing

Creating a board game can be really difficult! First, you have to create a design and play-test it until it's a great game. You have to build a business around it in order to raise funds, market, and eventually sell it. Of course, then there's the small matter of actually...

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You Have Extra Board Games After Kickstarter. Now What?

Hey there. It’s Joe Slack from the Board Game Design Course. The Fulfullrite team kindly allowed me to write another guest post here and today I wanted to talk about what to do with the extra games that you'll inevitably have left after your Kickstarter campaign. I hope you get...

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3 Reliable Signs Your Board Game is Kickstarter-Ready

Hey there. It’s Joe Slack from the Board Game Design Course. The Fulfillrite team was kind enough to ask me to write a guest post on how to know your game is ready for Kickstarter. Of course, I was completely on board! After having run 3 Kickstarter campaigns (2 successes...

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Interview with the Creator of Light Phone: The Distraction-Free Smartphone

In the course of prepping this interview for you to read, I probably checked my phone five or six times. I'm not the only one: half of Americans spend five to six hours on their phone every day excluding work-related tasks. It's a serious social problem, and the folks at...

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5 Reasons Inventory Management Benefits Small Businesses

Happy customers mean a happy business. It seems overly simplistic, doesn’t it? But unhappy customers often abandon their relationship with a company they’ve had a bad experience with. For many eCommerce companies, a product being out-of-stock is enough to drive customers away. That’s very costly, but also preventable. eCommerce SMBs...

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6 Reasons Amazon Sellers Need a Strong Brand

For private label brands who understand the value of a strong product brand, there has never been a better time to leverage your product brand on Amazon. Whether you’re an established Amazon business with great sales or an emerging seller just starting out, there’s one fact you cannot ignore: If...

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How to Optimize Packaging for Fulfillment

The following is a guest post by Beth Owens of noissue. Noissue specializes in custom packaging that is gorgeous, unique, and eco-friendly. Packaging is an important consideration for any business, but especially for eCommerce operations. Shipping orders is a huge expense, so you want to make sure that your packaging...

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