Order fulfillment is incredibly important in eCommerce. It affects customer happiness directly. Problems here can cause bad reviews, lost sales, and less brand loyalty.

If you want to avoid these issues, you need to make your order fulfillment process smooth, clear, and reliable. Fixing common problems and giving great service will help you keep up your reputation. And that will help you keep your customers happy and loyal, and your store profitable.

1. Eliminate surprise costs.

The top reason people abandon their online shopping carts is high shipping costs. No one wants to buy a $25 item with a $15 shipping fee.

Many businesses still make this mistake. At the very least, clearly list your shipping prices on your store. This way, people won’t add items to their cart only to back out when they see the total price is too high.

This is the best way to reduce your cart abandonment rate. Use it wisely to increase your revenue with little effort.

2. Offer free shipping.

Free shipping isn’t actually free. When you buy something with free shipping, the seller pays for the postage. No free lunch, right?

But not offering free shipping isn’t free either. About 75% of customers expect free shipping even on orders under $50 according to the National Retail Federation, and this number is rising. This goes back to eliminating surprise costs. Free shipping is the best way to remove unexpected fees for customers.

This tip might not always make financial sense, but if it does, use it. It can reduce your cart abandonment rate, bringing in enough revenue to cover shipping costs. Plus, free shipping makes customers happier with their experience!

3. Use address verification.

Shipping can go wrong if the package goes to the wrong address. You might think this is out of your control, but it’s not.

Address verification helps make sure customers enter the right address. This reduces the chance of sending a package to the wrong place, a mistake that can make customers angry and be expensive to fix.

Shopify users can use the app Streetify, which costs $0.03 per address lookup. WooCommerce users can use Postcode/Address Validation by SkyVerge, costing $49 per year.

These are just a couple of examples, though. There are many apps for Shopify, WooCommerce, and other eCommerce software you might use!

4. Provide expedited shipping options.

Many consumers are willing to pay for fast delivery. About 41% will pay for same-day delivery, and 24% will pay more for delivery within 1-2 hours (source: Conveyco). Also, 70% of US consumers buy from one online store over another because of more delivery options.

So, one of the easiest ways to improve shipping is to offer more options. Next-day delivery through USPS, UPS, and FedEx at a premium is a simple way to let customers choose what suits them.

5. Ship as soon as possible.

One big reason for shipping delays isn’t the postal carriers. FedEx, UPS, USPS, and DHL are pros at delivery. Once you hand over the package, they handle the rest.

But what if you take too long to get a package ready? Miss the cutoff time by a few minutes, and you delay delivery by a whole day! Customers expect two-day delivery now, and anything slower feels like forever.

The solution? Ship orders as soon as they come in or use an order fulfillment service. If you don’t want to drop everything to ship an order, outsource it.

Order fulfillment companies ship packages all day, every day. Postal carriers visit their warehouses multiple times a day, getting your packages in the mail faster and shaving a day off delivery time.

6. Make two-day shipping your default.

Remember how I mentioned that two-day delivery is the expectation now? The data backs me up on this.

Two-day delivery is the new standard. A whopping 79.3% of online shoppers expect it. If you can, make free two-day shipping the default for your business.

7. Provide shipping notifications.

Online shopping is weird because you pay right away but wait days for your package. Customers like to track their orders to feel at ease.

Send tracking numbers and status updates by default. Let customers know when their orders ship and give an estimated delivery date. If something goes wrong, tell the customer immediately. An astounding 98.3% of customers want to be notified if a package is delayed per supply chain firm, Project44!

Keeping customers informed shows you care about their experience, increasing the chances they’ll shop with you again.

8. Don’t be stingy with returns and refunds.

Every year, three billion packages are lost or damaged. This problem comes with handling so many packages daily.

Customers don’t care if UPS damaged the package; it’s your job to fix it. Forty-eight percent of customers returned an item last year, and 80.2% did so because it arrived damaged.

Returns and refunds are tied directly to the shipping experience. Happy with the returns process? Ninety-five percent of shoppers will buy from you again. Unhappy? They’re three times more likely to never shop with you again.

Make returns easy. Allow free returns with refunds for up to 90 days. Let customers print return labels at your expense. Sure, you cover shipping and inventory costs, but you save the customer relationship, which is worth much more in the long run.

9. Pack items properly.

Shipping damage happens, but you can cut the risk with a few tricks:

  • Fill empty spaces with bubble wrap, corrugated rolls, or air cushions.
  • Use sturdy outer packaging like corrugated boxes.
  • Keep liquids away from other items.
  • Label fragile packages clearly.
  • Separate fragile items within boxes.

These steps reduce the chance of items breaking and needing returns. That means more money stays in your pocket!

10. Provide great customer service.

Even with fast, free shipping, great packing, and a solid return policy, things can still go wrong. When they do, excellent customer service is key to keeping customers happy and coming back.

Offer friendly, accessible support. Have an email, phone number, and maybe even live chat. Make it easy for customers to reach you and solve their problems quickly. It pays off in the long run!

11. Brand your packaging.

People form opinions about products in just 3 seconds. Good packaging can make a great first impression. Over 50% of consumers say they’d buy more from a brand with branded packaging, and 68% say it makes a brand seem more high-end.

Represent your store brand right when customers open the box. Use custom packaging like boxes, bags, or bottles.

12. Ask for feedback.

Simple but often forgotten: ask your customers what they think! You can look at statistics all day long but never get a truly good feel for what your specific customers truly want.

The easiest way to find out is to simply ask them! Send out automated surveys so you can learn more about what you’re doing well and what you’re not. Then you can lean into your strengths and resolve your weaknesses.

If you follow tips like these, you’re likely to start converting more traffic and retaining more customers. But things will still go wrong from time to time, so here are some tips to help you handle occasional customer service issues as they arise.

7 Tips For Handling Customer Service Issues

Even if you prepare everything correctly, items will still break in the mail and get lost. Not often, but sometimes!

Because of that, you need a plan to handle issues when they come up. Here’s how you can do that.

1. Respond promptly to customer inquiries.

Quick responses can stop small issues from turning into big headaches. Imagine a customer with a simple question about their order. If they get an answer fast, they’re happy. If not, they might get frustrated.

Make sure your customer service team is always ready. They should be available and alert, ready to jump in and solve problems as soon as they arise.

2. Offer clear and proactive communication.

Keep your customers in the loop. Regular updates about their order status are crucial. Did something go wrong? Is there a delay? Tell them right away! Explain what happened and what you’re doing to fix it.

This kind of transparency builds trust. Customers feel reassured when they know you’re on top of things, and their frustration levels drop.

3. Provide multiple contact options.

Make it super easy for customers to reach you. Some people prefer email, others like to call, and many love live chat. Offer all these options and more if possible.

Accessibility is key. When customers can contact you easily, issues get resolved faster, and everyone’s happier.

4. Empower your customer service team.

Give your customer service reps the power to make decisions. They should be able to solve problems on the spot without always having to ask a manager.

Empowered employees are more confident and can provide quicker, more satisfying resolutions. When your team feels trusted, they work more effectively and customers benefit from faster service.

5. Offer compensation for significant issues.

Sometimes, things go really wrong. In these cases, consider offering compensation like refunds, discounts, or free products. This can turn a bad situation into a positive experience.

Imagine a customer receiving a damaged product. A quick refund or a discount on their next purchase can make them feel valued and understood, keeping them loyal to your brand.

6. Track and analyze customer complaints.

Keep a close eye on customer complaints. Record them, analyze them, and look for patterns. Is there a common issue popping up? Understanding these problems helps you fix them at the source.

Addressing recurring issues will prevent future complaints, making your overall service better and more reliable.

7. Follow up with customers.

After you’ve resolved an issue, don’t just leave it there. Follow up with the customer to ensure they’re happy with the resolution. This extra step shows that you care about their experience.

It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference. Customers appreciate knowing that their satisfaction matters to you.

Final Thoughts

Fast, competent order fulfillment and responsive customer service are both essential for keeping customers happy. Doing both of these things well can play a huge role in whether customers come back to shop more in the future.

Preventing shipping issues and addressing them quickly when they arise will allow you to build a strong reputation and increase customer loyalty. When in doubt – act like the kind of company that you want to shop from!