Launching a Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign is a great way to test new products and build an audience. But it’s still building a business, and building a business is very difficult!

If you want to succeed bigtime in crowdfunding, then you need to be able to build an audience and market your campaign. In this series of articles, we’ve compiled tips to help you build your skills and, ultimately, succeed in business.

Why Use Kickstarter To Start A Business?

Imagine you’re an entrepreneur with a groundbreaking business idea, but you don’t have the money to get it off the ground. You certainly wouldn’t be alone – this is a common challenge faced by many startups. But what if you could raise the funds you need, not from venture capitalists or traditional lenders, but directly from individuals who are just as excited about your idea as you are?

That’s the idea behind Kickstarter, and crowdfunding in general, and that’s why it’s so powerful and popular today.

This is How to Choose Between Kickstarter & Indiegogo

For many startups, the question is no longer “should we launch a crowdfunding campaign” but rather “where should we launch our crowdfunding campaign?”

And that’s a good question. One that’s often answered by defaulting to Kickstarter, because it is the most popular crowdfunding platform.

But what about Indiegogo?

22 Best Ways To Market Your Kickstarter Before Launch

“You need to bring your own audience to Kickstarter.” You’ve probably heard that advice if you’re planning on launching a campaign soon.

But how do you exactly market your Kickstarter before launch?

52 Tips To Make Your Kickstarter Campaign More Successful

Launching a successful Kickstarter campaign requires a ton of different skills.

Strategic planning. Marketing and promotion. Supply chain management. People skills. The list goes on!

In this guide, we’ve compiled a list of every single tip we can think of to help you increase your odds of Kickstarter success.